Hi everyone, we finally have some announcements to share with you all!
- If you are aware of anyone who is in hospital, or requires a Pastoral phone call, please feel free to contact us!
- If you have any suggestions for our church committees we would love to hear from you! Please get in touch using the link on our website.
- The Harmony United Facebook Page is run by Gary Pederson and Teri Lynch. If you have any ideas or words that may bring comfort or joy to members of our congregation please contact Gary and Teri at garyepederson@gmail.com and terilynch02@gmail.com
- We would also love to see pictures of what you are doing to keep busy during this challenging time. You can contact us via the website and we can upload your pictures to the Facebook page or the website!
- When we are able to get back together we will be requiring Greeters, Scripture Readers and Coffee Hosts. If this is of interest to you, please contact the Church via email, or phone us at 345-5065.
- Every third Sunday of the month we have our Monthy GO Team Collection where all proceeds go towards a local charity!
- Thank you to those who have made Canadian Tire money donations! We greatly appreciate it!
We hope you all are doing well and staying safe!
Harmony United Church